Ketogenic Diet effects on Heart Health

Articles, studies, and information about how the Keto diet prevents coronary heart disease

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This Month's Video - Dave Feldman, Basics of Cholesterol Part I - Standard Test

CDC Heart Statistics

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack

Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack, basically when a part of the heart muscle doesn’t receive enough blood flow.
Every year, about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these cases 525,000 are a first heart attack. 210,000 happen to people who have already had a first heart attack. Gotta ask - are we winning the war on heart disease? I would say No!


The more I learn about inflammation the more I love keto!

The ketogenic diet triggers a complex biochemical process that directly fights inflammation, reducing and calming the chronic inflammation related to just about every health problem we see today.

Weight Control

Hallmark of the Keto diet
Downfall of SAD (Standard American Diet)

Keto reduces body weight and body mass index.  All will agree that is good for heart health. Being overweight has been linked to the following:
> type 2 diabetes
> high blood pressure
> heart disease and strokes
> certain types of cancer
> sleep apnea
> osteoarthritis
> fatty liver disease
> kidney disease

Lipid Profile

Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, and LDL Cholesterol

Anyone on the keto diet will tell you their lipid profile has changed dramatically since going keto.  That is in a good way - increased HDL and decreased Triglycerides

The Ketogenic diet is high fat, moderate protein, low carbs

Don't let fear of fats scare you.  Read the research to learn the truth

Actually good for your heart health